Emergency Contacts
For Emergencies call 000.
Identify yourself, your location, the problem and the emergency service required.|
Once you have dialled 000, please contact The Hub – 0427 003 404 – and report the details of your emergency.
Emergencies – Business Hours
If the problem is within the common areas of the building, contact The Hub – 0427 003 404.
If the problem is within your own apartment, isolate the problem.
Once isolated, contact The Hub – 0427 003 404 – to receive advice on how to rectify the problem.
Emergencies – After Hours
If the problem is within the common areas of the building, contact The Hub – 0427 003 404.
If the problem is within your own apartment, isolate the problem. If the problem can wait, contact your agent (tenants) or The Hub (owners) the following working day to discuss further. If you require service/repair immediately, contact a repair contractor listed on your Property Agent’s website or from the Local Businesses section on your BuildingLINK app.
Fire Systems
Acacia Place has comprehensive and sophisticated fire system which have been designed by a Fire Engineer.
It incorporates smoke and heat detection devices along with fire suppression devices such as sprinklers, hose reels and extinguishers.
This fire system is externally monitored by a third party.
In the event of a fire alarm, the Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB) will be called automatically.
Apartment smoke detectors are localised devices and DO NOT alert the MFB when activated.
Apartment smoke detectors are there to alert the occupants of smoke/fire inside the apartment.
Common property smoke detectors are connected to the fire control system and will call the MFB immediately.
Fire Evacuation Procedure
In the event of a fire within your building:
– The automatic alarm system will sound.
– An evacuation tone will be heard from the speakers in the lift lobby area, corridors and apartments.
– When you hear the alarm sound, alert all occupants in your apartment
– The alarm will only sound on the fire/smoke affected floor and the floor above initially
– After 90 seconds, the alarm sound will cascade upwards – every 90 seconds from floor to floor
– This will cycle upwards through the building until the MFB arrive and take control
– The cascading alarm sequence is designed to stagger the flow of residents evacuating the building via the fire stairs
– The lifts may be used by residents in the event of a fire evacuation if the call button located in the lift lobby displays “Lift Available”.
– If available, lifts will only take residents from the fire affected floor and the floor above.
– Lifts will not stop at any other floors.
– Lifts cannot be used when the call button displays “Lift Unavailable’ – Use the fire stairs.
– In the event of fire or fire alarm, the lifts are programmed to discharge their current occupants at ground level and then to serve only the fire-affected floors and one floor above.
– Lift evacuation is designed to assist mobility-impaired residents.
– Upon arrival of the fire brigade, lifts will be switched to fire mode and will be controlled only by the fire brigade officers on site.
Fire Stairs
– If the lift call button displays “Lift Unavailable”, residents must evacuate via the fire stairs
– Evacuate the building immediately via the fire stairs and through the ground floor lobby
Evacuation Point
– The location of emergency routes and evacuation point for each floor area is shown on the evacuation diagrams located in each lift lobby
– The evacuation point is located on Lower Ground 1 at the statue in between the 2 cafes
– You are advised to familiarise yourself with the emergency exits and equipment on your floor
– Await direction from the MFB officers
False Alarms
– False Alarms may incur a penalty callout fee of approximately $1,500 per fire engine.
– These costs will be charged to the resident(s) responsible for the false alarm
Avoiding False Alarms
To reduce the chances of causing a false alarm: